Sunday, February 23, 2014


So, I'm just going to jump into it. And start from the beginning.

One of my favorite things in life is when you become completely immersed in something. For me, that tends to be either TV shows or books. When it comes to books, my favorites seem to be series or trilogies. My all time favorite book series is Harry Potter. I love the way that JK Rowling created this completely alternate world and how intricate that world is. It's amazing to me how she is able to come up with enough material to create seven books that flow continuously and effortlessly. Also, she is amazing at foreshadowing in the books. I mean, seriously amazing. I know she's definitely not the first author to ever do this and that's totally okay with me. The thing that makes her different for me is the fact that she is one of the reasons as to why I fell in love with books and writing. I wanted to be as cool as she was when I was 11, which is when I figured out that I wanted to write. I had no idea then what kind of writing I'd love or what I'd want to do with it (I really still don't know to be completely truthful) but I just knew that writing was in the cards for me. Ever since I read that first Harry Potter book, I became completely immersed. Harry Potter has become a part of my life and a part of who I am. And for me, that's totally fine. Some people may find it completely weird that I say things like that but for those who get it, get it. It was a long commitment for me, and ever since the 7th book and the 8th movie came out, I had been searching for something else to fuel that fire within me that Harry Potter did. 

This is when I discovered the Hunger Games. I loved that Katniss was completely her own person but loved her family so much that she would sacrifice her life to save her sister. It just spoke to me. It was also completely different than Harry Potter, which to be completely cliche... was a breath of fresh air. It was what I needed. I was lucky enough to start reading it in the middle of the hype. The first movie had just came out on DVD and they were in the midst of producing Catching Fire. Some people don't enjoy it when books are turned into movies and, granted, a lot of the time they aren't done nearly as well as the books are. For me, though, I enjoy seeing the characters come to life and to see the action in the books play out in front of me instead of just in my mind. So, I still have the rest of the movies that are remaining to come out to enjoy. But I was done with reading the books and I was looking for something else.

Finally, I discovered the Divergent trilogy. My 13 year old niece and I were watching Catching Fire in the theatres and a preview for Divergent came on. Elizabeth told me a little bit about it and I became intrigued. For Christmas, I got the trilogy and I've just recently finished the series, literally less than a week ago, and here I am, completely immersed in this new trilogy at the beginning of the hype of it. Only less than a month until the first movie comes out and I'm fangirling like crazy all the time. To be 100% honest, it was because of this amazing trilogy that I got motivated to start this blog and to start writing again.

This leads to me to this point, right now...

I want to write a story that's so great that when someone is done reading it, they become obsessed and completely immersed. I want someone to feel the way I've felt every time I've finished reading any of those above books (and many others). I want someone to be so devoted to the characters that I create that they become part of your family just like Harry Potter, Katniss, and Tris all have for me. I cry with them. I laugh with them. I become their cheerleader throughout their entire journey. By creating my own story, I'd be able to do the same thing but with characters that I create.

And here we are. My hope for life is to become one of those great authors who is able to tell a story flawlessly and reach out to anyone who needs it. If I could reach just one person, I would be so happy. Of course, if I reached more, that would be even better. I know that I'm not the only person out here who has this amazing connection with books and if writing my own would allow me to meet more people like me, then I should do it, right?

I suck at ending things (obviously something to work on) so hopefully my first entry was able to give you a glimpse of my life and how I think. If it didn't, then that's okay. Maybe a different post will do that for you.

That is all for now.

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